黑客马拉松 招募_举办第一次黑客马拉松的提示
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黑客马拉松 招募

by Richard Middleton

理查德·米德尔顿(Richard Middleton)

举办第一次黑客马拉松的提示 (Tips for organising your first hackathon)

On Saturday July 14, freeCodeCamp Oslo had our first hackathon. In the spirit of togetherness, we decided to make our hackathon non-competitive. We have lots of people who are very new to coding, and wanted them to feel they could participate and learn something along the way.

7月14日(星期六),freeCodeCamp Oslo举行了我们的首次黑客马拉松。 本着团结的精神,我们决定使我们的黑客马拉松不具有竞争力。 我们有很多对编码非常陌生的人,希望他们觉得自己可以参与并学习一些东西。

Here at freeCodeCamp Oslo, we try to bring a deep sense of community and togetherness.

在freeCodeCamp Oslo的这里,我们试图带来深刻的社区和团结感。

Like many freeCodeCamp groups, we have a lot of expats — people who have moved to Norway, away from friends and family. This community helps many people, including myself, get out there and meet other developers and form relationships.

像许多freeCodeCamp团体一样,我们有很多移民–移居挪威的人们,远离朋友和家人。 该社区帮助包括我在内的许多人走到那里,结识其他开发人员并建立关系。

Leading up to the hackathon, we decided whether we were going to make it a one- or two-day event, based on feedback from the group.


After securing a venue at the amazing (thanks to Marek, one of our admins), we decided to ask our campers for ideas for the project.

在令人惊叹的 (感谢我们的一位管理员Marek)确保了场地之后,我们决定向营员询问该项目的想法。

In total we had seven ideas, and the week before the event we looked at how feasible they were for us in the 12 hours we had.


We finally settled on making a web app where users could see if any students were studying around them. We added an invite to the map to welcome collaboration, and users could post their location for others to join their study session.

我们最终决定制作一个网络应用程序,使用户可以查看是否有学生在他们周围学习。 我们在地图上添加了邀请,以欢迎合作,用户可以发布自己的位置,让其他人参加他们的学习课程。

Starting at 10AM, we had a few introductions and decided on how to split the tasks.


We had many beginners to web development amongst us. All were happier contributing to the front end, or interested in learning it. This meant it was up to myself to work on the back end.

我们当中有许多初学者从事Web开发。 所有人都对前端做出了更大的贡献,或者对学习有兴趣。 这意味着在后端工作取决于我自己。

The main problem we had was being unable to use frameworks like React to keep our API calls secret. Many of the team haven’t used a framework like that before. Instead, we decided on HTML & CSS for a static front end, using jQuery to make the AJAX requests.

我们遇到的主要问题是无法使用React之类的框架来保密我们的API调用。 许多团队以前没有使用过这样的框架。 相反,我们决定使用HTML和CSS作为静态前端,使用jQuery发出AJAX请求。

We also used Bootstrap 4, which allowed quick prototyping. Its strong documentation helped the front end come together.

我们还使用了Bootstrap 4,它可以快速进行原型制作。 它强大的文档帮助前端整合在一起。

Another one of our admins, Ekaterina, was in charge of the client-side Javascript. With Marek, she planned to oversee the general front end development.

我们的另一位管理员Ekaterina负责客户端Javascript。 她计划与Marek一起监督总体前端开发。

The repo was created by Howie, another admin for freeCodeCamp Oslo, and after permissions were granted we started work.

该仓库由freeCodeCamp Oslo的另一位管理员Howie创建,在授予权限后,我们开始工作。

The front end team dived into the Google Developers docs and quickly displayed a map on the front end.

前端团队深入研究Google Developers文档,并Swift在前端显示地图。

The back end was going to use NodeJS with MongoDB and Express, so first a NPM init was done along with installing Express, Mongoose, Body Parser and a few other packages. Within an hour and a half, we had our API working.

后端打算将NodeJS与MongoDB和Express一起使用,因此首先完成了NPM初始化,同时安装了Express,Mongoose,Body Parser和其他一些软件包。 在一个半小时内,我们的API正常工作了。

While waiting for the front end, we were able to test the API using Postman to GET and POST data to and from our database.


After lunch (also kindly sponsored by Explorer HQ), we made a few incremental changes for database entries. But most of the work was for JavaScript on the front end, making sure we could send our GET and POST requests from there.

午餐后(也由Explorer HQ赞助),我们对数据库条目进行了一些增量更改。 但是大多数工作是在前端使用JavaScript,以确保我们可以从那里发送GET和POST请求。

Soon, our minimal viable product was .

很快,我们最小的可行产品就 。

It was great working in a team, which none of us had really done before.


We hosted the site on Heroku, and the database was hosted with MLab. After a long day, we had a usable product which we couldn’t be more happy with.

我们将站点托管在Heroku上,而数据库则由MLab托管。 漫长的一天后,我们有了一个可用的产品,对此我们感到不满意。

There were still things to work on, but our MVP was achieved. The next day, I remedied our open API by using Passport to add Facebook authentication.

仍有很多工作要做,但是我们实现了MVP。 第二天,我通过使用Passport添加Facebook身份验证来修复我们的开放API。

Also, we added a few fixes to the site.


Altogether the experience was great. Working as one team of eight people helped make the environment friendly, and brought everyone together — which was our aim.

总的来说,体验很棒。 一个八人一组的团队帮助使环境变得友好,并使每个人都聚在一起,这是我们的目标。

I implore you to try it yourself and set up a non-competitive hackathon for your group!


那么如何设置自己的黑客马拉松? (So how can you set up your own hackathon?)

  1. Keep it to one day — a weekend day will work best. Spreading the event over multiple days means you may not get the same people attending both days, and this could be a problem for continuity. We found it best to poll our group with multiple dates and pick the most popular.

    坚持一天 -周末最好。 将活动分散在几天内意味着您可能不会在同一天都参加同一个人,这可能会导致连续性问题。 我们发现最好用多个日期对小组进行投票,然后选择最受欢迎的。

  2. Find a project in advance — we crowdsourced our idea process, asking users to submit their ideas a week in advance. This way, the group leaders could get together and check out feasibility.

    提前查找项目 -我们众包了创意流程,要求用户提前一周提交创意。 这样,小组负责人可以聚在一起并检查可行性。

  3. Secure a venue — this can be a tricky one, because you need a big enough space, with good wifi and power. Ideally, you want to be able to bring in your own snacks etc. Maybe someone in your group has a workplace that is free on a weekend? Don’t feel intimidated to get out there and drop some emails to people in the tech community. Failing that, get everyone round to your place.

    确保场地安全 -这可能是一个棘手的地方,因为您需要足够大的空间,并需要良好的WiFi和电源。 理想情况下,您希望自己带些零食等。也许您团队中的某人的工作场所在周末是免费的? 不要害怕走到那里并向技术社区的人们发送一些电子邮件。 如果失败,请让每个人都到您的位置。

  4. Make it collaborative, not competitive — we are all learning and some may feel out of their depth if you make it competitive. Split the group up into different sections. Maybe you have a frontend lead and a backend lead, and they can then split people into dealing with nav-bars, modals, JavaScript, databases, etc. Don’t be afraid to step up even if you don’t feel you know what you’re doing — you may surprise yourself!

    使它具有协作性而不是竞争性 -我们都在学习,并且如果您使它具有竞争性,则有些人可能会感到其深度不足。 将组分成不同的部分。 也许您有一个前端领导和一个后端领导,然后他们可以将人们分解为处理导航栏,模态,JavaScript,数据库等。即使您不知道自己知道什么,也不要害怕加紧步伐您正在做-您可能会感到惊讶!

You don’t need to have run a hackathon before — I had never even been to one before! The whole experience brought our group closer together. We managed to build something cool that could go in our portfolio, and we can all claim to have won freeCodeCamp Oslo’s Summer Hackathon!

您无需之前参加过黑客马拉松-我以前从未参加过! 整个经历使我们的团队更加紧密地联系在一起。 我们设法建立了一些很酷的东西,可以纳入我们的产品组合,并且我们都可以声称赢得了FreeCodeCamp Oslo的Summer Hackathon!

You can check out the repo . The hosted site is .

您可以在查看回购。 托管站点在 。


黑客马拉松 招募


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